Golden Grove Farm
Happy, Healthy, Heritage Sheep
Some helpful resources:

Navajo-Churro Sheep
Navajo Churro Sheep Association
Diné bé Iliná - The Navajo Lifeway
Sheep! Magazine - "America's 1st Sheep Breed"
The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy
Heritage Breeds Conservancy
American Sheep Industry Association
Slow Food USA: US Ark of Taste
CHAPTER 5: Arid and Semi-arid Zones: Symbiosis between livestock keepers, their animals and the Environment
All About Sheep: Fun Facts and More

The Donkey Companion by Sue Weaver
The National Miniature Donkey Association
The Miniature Mediterranean Donkey Association
The American Donkey and Mule Society
Llama Hardware (packing gear)
Miniature Donkey Talk
USDOI Bureau of Land Management: Wild Horse and Burro Program

Land Management
- The University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry
- USDA National Agroforestry Center
- The Game of Logging
- Northeast Forest Mushroom Growers Network
- Cornell Small Farms Program
- Fingerlakes Permaculture Institute
- Permaculture Principles
Home Green Home
Agroforestry Solutions
Ithaca Farmers Market
Meat Suite
Steinhaus Farm
White Pine Farm
Wellspring Forest Farm
The Gardens of Earthly Mirth