Golden Grove Farm
Happy, Healthy, Heritage Sheep

b. 4/4/2011
Golden Grove Farm's
SNOWDROP (registered)
(Penelope x Thor)
Snowdrop was a very cute lamb, but grew into an ugly duckling; her wool seemed shorter than the others and less lustrous, she was never friendly or endearing, and she lacks the winning fluff of wool on top of her head. But then she has turned into a swan. Like her mom, Penelope, she has no wool on her belly at all. Her coat thickened out and she grew into her looks. Although still shy, we developed a good rapport when I practiced milking on her. She has very clear, accessible udders which helped me a lot! She is also one of our biggest sheep. She is retired as of 2020, but we have kept her daughter Elsa.
Best Features:
No wool on belly, face, or legs
Prominent facial marking
Very willing to browse and forage
Large size