Golden Grove Farm
Happy, Healthy, Heritage Sheep
**We made the decision to put Whitey just before his tenth birthday, at the end of 2022. He did a great job making many lovely babies, thank you Whitey!
Prior to his passing:
We purchased Whitey as a lamb with his mom, Brenny, from Rebecca Gunther at Jersey West Farm. Having a closely related flock, we wanted to expand our genetics and fleece colors. He is not at all friendly, which. can be a benefit because he never challenges us or gets close during feedings, but he is very hard to catch for regular care. He has beautiful wool and has produced lambs of all colors. I am very interested in color genetics of sheep but find them to be very confusing. With Thor, we only had black lambs, mostly with the two grey hills (TGH) marking pattern (white on head and tail tip). With Whitey, we have had white, black, dark brown, tan, and spotted. The lambs from one mom can be a mix of colors too - we've had twins that were one black, one white or one dark brown, one grey spots on white all with Whitey as the sire.
Jersey West's
WHITEY (registered)
Best Features:
Very white wool with long staple length
Heavy wool producer
2 attractive, symmetrical horns
Lambs of every color